Peter Jam
Peter Jam (Jambazian) is a Lebanese-Armenian American, author, global rights activist, singer, music composer, creative thinker, pet psychologist, public speaker and inspirational world traveler for peace and justice, born in the midst of the civil war in Beirut. Lives in the historic center city Philadelphia.
Public Speaker
A transformational coach from 1/1 sessions to delivering motivational speeches and peace education workshops. He is known for his unique and approachable style that was shared at a number of schools, universities.
Creative Musician
Peter’s passion for music and art appeared in his teenage years, having a creative energy within, music was the bridge and the tool between what’s inside of him to be out. Displaying music in true self expression.
Pet Psychologist
Peter Jam is a certified PDTI (Professional Dog Trainer/Instructor) in Philly & NYC with ‘Pet Psychology’ degree from the UK. He is the founder & proprietor of ‘Doggy Education for All’.